Thursday, September 30, 2010

One Man's Junk is Another Man's Flower Pot

When I was a child, a man named Mr. Wilson lived on our street. We take our bikes checked by his house and what kind of treasures that had mad this week in the yard. Wherever you saw ornate fountains, bird baths and garden gnomes odd in abundance. My favorite was rusty, but the Radio Flyer Wagon herb garden that had turned into a furniture warehouse.

I must credit Mr. Wilson with inspiring the idea that I had a few years ago.Now do not get me wrong - I do not pretend, the meadow should be covered with ceramic frogs and flamingos á la Mr. Wilson (but hey, whatever floats your boat whatever). However, with a little 'ingenuity and some creativity you can find some memorable "conversation pieces" to add to your home or garden, flowers, herbs. Who wrote the rule that has been growing herbs and flowers, saying only in a vase?

If you ever thought about starting a herb garden, or even if you're already on the riseTheir own herbs and flowers before going to spend money on expensive container - Check the garage! Check the attic! Check the shed! Wherever you sit in old things are worth bearing inspection. Who knows? Maybe there's a gold mine waiting for you to come along and start a new herb garden was in it.

Ceramic material is not weatherproof, but it can work. Be wary of glazed ceramic, as some glazes can damage your plants. line or have just given a plastic container inside theIf you are unsure. Wood, especially old barrels or boxes, can make an attractive addition to your flower or herb garden. Find a naked space on the terrace or patio and start an herb garden in an old cast iron pot. Spread with beautiful flowers or herbs of the pages, a rustic, cozy atmosphere will add to your home. Plastic is weather resistant and economical, so be sure that they well anchored as a plastic wind can knock on more easily.

You canalways something to paint, if not in better shape. Remember to leave the paint to dry for 1-2 days before planting anything in it directly. Again, with a plastic container if you need. You plant what it is, so do not go off the road, has a flaw, however, that it will be finally covered in paint.

Even some discarded wire can be printed in a light tank with excellent drainage. If you have enough wire to work with, it is also possibleForm so that it depends on your railing or serve as a kind of window box. Do you have a rusty wheelbarrow in the barn? Pull out, fill them with soil and voila! Just as Mr. Wilson, you can literally roll your garden on the sunniest place in the yard!

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