:: Fiber Optic Tool Kit, what do you need?
Fiber Optic Tool Kit is a very broad category including instruments for the production of a series of jobs in the field of fiber optics. So before we look ahead, ask yourself: What do I do with this kit?
There are also set to traditional epoxy and polish connector quick connector termination notice of fusion splicing, mechanical joining, cleaning optics, fiber optics, test andmany more.
So let's look at each species and its functions.
1) epoxy resin and typical Polish Connector Termination Tool Kit
This type of kit is sometimes called the universal epoxy connector assembly tool kit. Includes everything you need for hand polishing termination connectors such as epoxy FC, SC, ST, LC, etc. The following list shows all the key aspects of the expected .
a) Fiber Cable SheathStripper to remove the outer sheath of optical cable
b) Remove Stripper fiber cladding fiber (900um or 250um tight buffer coating UV) expose the bare fiber coating
to cut c) the yellow Kevlar strength member in fiber coating scissors
d) Fiber Connector Crimping Tool for FC, SC, ST, LC
e) Fiber scribe tool to scribe the bare fiber
f) epoxy to fix the fiber in the plug, empty syringes for dispensing epoxy into the connector
g) plate glass polishing SunYou can polish rubber pads on top
h) polishing rubber in place so that the lapping film on top
i) lapping films (containing several seeds, typically 12um, 3um, 1um and 0.5um)
j) Connector hand polishing pucks for FC, SC, ST, LC
k) Consideration microscope in order to consider the quality of your work
l) baked on epoxy (or 220V or 110V Cure)
m) Other misc. Tag for purification as Kimwipes, isopropyl alcohol, etc.
2) Quick purchaseConnector Termination Tool Kit
90% early conclusion of a connection do not require polishing. They have a factory polished fiber stub is within the connector body all you have to do is your fiber strip, clean, cleave the fiber and then set the fiber divided into connector body, with or without mounting hardware help, then crimp the connector using special tools.
There is no universal instrument quick connector termination kits, as eachConnector is designed differently than the manufacturer and requires proprietary tool assembly. Major brands on the market are:
a) 3M Hot Melt connectors
Although 3M Hot Melt connector termination are classified as fast, actually require polishing. The hot melt epoxy plug before injecting into the body, it is sufficient to heat the plugs laying of fiber, Schreiber has failed to cool and then polish the connector. The process is very similar to traditional epoxyPolish ports, but the epoxy are mixing and dispensing steps, the resolution is reduced to less than 2 minutes. 3M Hot Melt connectors are a popular choice with installers.
b) Corning Unicam Connectors
Corning Unicam connectors are typical of pre-polished connectors and mechanical fasteners. You have a pre-polished fiber stub inside plug body, with index matching gel inside. Simply remove and clean, and cleave your fiber and add the split in the fiberInsert body eventually crimp with installation Unicam.
They are also very popular with installers and contractors in fiber optics.
c) Tyco / AMP LightCrimp Plus ports
AMP LightCrimp Plus connectors are similar to Corning Unicam. In addition, pre-polished and mechanical joints, although designed differently and require LightCrimp appropriate tools as well as installation. Unicam connectors are less popular.
d) There are also many new types of fast terminationAFL connectors, Leviton, Fitel and other manufacturers. So it pays to keep a close eye on this technology.
3) Fusion Tool Kit Junction
The next major type of tool kits Fiber optic fusion splicing fiber.
joint fusion is easier termination fiber connector. Therefore, they need fewer tools, but tools can be very expensive, especially the high precision fiber cleavers. The following list shows the essential elements in fusion researchSplicing tool kit.
a) Remove the fiber cable jacket stripper for the outer sheath of optical cable
b) Remove Stripper fiber cladding fiber (900um or 250um tight buffer coating UV) expose the bare fiber coating
to cut c) the yellow Kevlar strength member in fiber coating scissors
d) High precision fiber (which is the most expensive)
e) heat shrink splice
have f) fiber waste container waste fibers
g) Other misc. Conditions for 'Cleaning Kimwipes, isopropyl alcohol, etc.
h) Optional Visual Fault Locator visually check the quality of your splicing
4) Optical Cleaning Tool Kit
Clean fiber Tool Kit is simply because they are not instruments, but only a few Polish. In most cases, are as follows:
a) air in a can (optical quality)
b) 2.5 mm foam swab to clean FC, SC, ST connectors, adapters and adapter sleeve
C) 1.25 foam padsClean LC and MU connectors, suitable for sleeves and adapters
d) Kimwipes lint-free
e) alcohol swabs pre-soaped
f) Fiber Connector Cleaner role for FC, SC, ST, LC, MTRJ, etc.
g) in isopropyl alcohol
As a means of cleaning kit usually alcohol, are more often than not, are sent only to the ground.
5) Fiber Test Kit
The basic fiber optic test usually only the insertion loss testing, visual debugging, and the optional returnLoss of evidence.
You can buy test kits in fiber, with or without fiber stripping and cleaving tools. The most important terms are in fact the light source, power meter and visual fault locator option. You can always fiber stripper, jacket stripper, tool kits, etc. you may already have cable, like an epoxy kit universal connector termination.
patch cord fiber optic power meters are to be included in the kit to facilitate research in variousConnections, such as FC, SC, ST, LC, MU, etc.
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